How to get FREE money to finance a home improvement project?
California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) administers the CESH Program with funding from the Building Homes and Jobs Act Trust Fund. HCD expects to administer CESH funding in two rounds. In this article we'll list how these funds are going to be use so you can choose the Program that fits best to your goals.
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
CDBG makes funds available in four categories: Community Development (CD), Economic Development (ED), Community Services and Housing Activities, and Disaster Recovery Initiative (DRI).CDBG grants can be used broadly but are primarily used to provide a suitable living environment by expanding economic opportunities and providing decent housing to low-income households. Funds are available in California communities that do not receive CDBG funding directly from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). There is an annual competitive funding cycle for all except Economic Development, which has an over-the-counter Notice of Funding Availability process.
- Community Development Programs
- Economic Development Programs
- Drought-Related Lateral Program
This program assists cities and counties to connect water systems to residences without drinking water as a result of the drought in those communities that do not receive CDBG funding directly from HUD
Home Investment Partnerships Program (HOME)
HOME assists cities, counties, and non-profit community housing development organizations (CHDOs) to create and retain affordable housing for lower-income renters or owners. HOME funds are available as loans for housing rehabilitation, new construction, and acquisition and rehabilitation of single- and multifamily projects and as grants for tenant-based rental assistance. At least 50 percent of the amount is awarded to rural applicants and 15 percent is set aside for CHDOs. Funds are available in California communities that do not receive HOME funding directly from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Funding is announced annually through a Notice of Funding Availability.
Homekey provides grants to local entities (including cities, counties, and other local public entities such as housing authorities and federally recognized tribes) to acquire and rehabilitate a variety of housing types — such as hotels, motels, vacant apartment buildings, and residential care facilities — to serve people experiencing homelessness or who are also at risk of serious illness from COVID-19
Housing for a Healthy California (HHC)
HHC provides funding on a competitive basis to deliver supportive housing opportunities to developers using the federal National Housing Trust Funds (NHTF) allocations for operating reserve grants and capital loans. The Department will also utilize a portion of the amounts of money collected in calendar year 2018 and deposited into the Building Homes and Jobs Trust Fund to provide funding through grants to counties for capital and operating assistance. Funds will be announced through a Notice of Funding Availability.
Find out how much money you need for your project with an Analysis.
Local Housing Trust Fund Program (LHTF)
Affordable Housing Innovation's LHTF lends money for the construction of rental housing projects with units restricted for at least 55 years to households earning less than 60 percent of the area's median income. State funds match local housing trust funds as down payment assistance to first-time homebuyers.
Mobilehome Park Rehabilitation and Resident Ownership Program (MPRROP)
MPRROP makes short- and long-term low-interest-rate loans for the preservation of affordable mobile home parks for ownership or control by resident organizations, nonprofit housing sponsors, or local public agencies. MPRROP also makes long-term loans to individuals to ensure continued affordability. Funds are made available through a competitive process in response to a periodic Notice of Funding Availability.
NOTE: Currently, MPRROP is accepting applications on an over-the-counter basis.
Multifamily Housing Program (MHP)
MHP makes low-interest, long-term deferred-payment permanent loans for new construction, rehabilitation, and preservation of permanent and transitional rental housing for lower-income households.
National Housing Trust Fund
National Housing Trust Fund is a permanent federal program with dedicated source(s) of funding not subject to annual appropriations. The funds can be used to increase and preserve the supply of affordable housing, with an emphasis on rental housing for extremely low-income households (ELI households, with incomes of 30 percent of the area median or less). This year California is receiving approximately $10.1 Million for the program. Subscribe to the Multifamily Housing Programs e-mail list to receive notification of their availability. Funds will be made available through a competitive process and will be announced through a Notice of Funding Availability.
No Place Like Home
The No Place Like Home Program will have $2 billion in bond proceeds to invest in the development of permanent supportive housing for persons who need mental health services and are experiencing homelessness, chronic homelessness, or who are at risk of chronic homelessness.