Recent Changes to California ADU laws
Over the years, ADU law has been revised to improve its effectiveness at creating more housing units. Changes to ADU laws effective January 1, 2020, further reduce barriers, better streamline approval processes, and expand capacity to accommodate the development of ADUs and junior accessory dwelling units (JADUs).
ADUs are a unique opportunity to address various housing needs and provide affordable housing options for family members, friends, students, the elderly, in-home healthcare providers, people with disabilities, and others. Further, ADUs allow maximizing and integration housing choices within existing neighborhoods.
AB 68 (Ting), AB 881 (Bloom), and SB 13 (Wieckowski)
This recent legislation, among other changes, addresses the following:
• Prohibits local agencies from including in development standards for ADUs requirements on a minimum lot size
• Clarifies areas designated by local agencies for ADUs may be based on the adequacy of water and sewer services as well as impacts on traffic flow and public safety
• Eliminates all owner-occupancy requirements by local agencies for ADUs approved between January 1, 2020 and January 1, 2025
• Prohibits a local agency from establishing a maximum size of an ADU of less than 850 square feet, or 1,000 square feet if the ADU contains more than one bedroom and requires approval of a permit to build an ADU of up to 800 square feet
• Clarifies that when ADUs are created through the conversion of a garage, carport, or covered parking structure, replacement off-street parking spaces cannot be required by the local agency
• Reduces the maximum ADU and JADU application review time from 120 days to 60 days
• Clarifies that “public transit” includes various means of transportation that charge set fees, run on fixed routes, and are available to the public
• Establishes impact fee exemptions and limitations based on the size of the ADU. ADUs up to 750 square feet are exempt from impact fees (Government Code Section 65852.2, Subdivision (f)(3)); ADUs that are750 square feet or larger may be charged impact fees but only such fees that are proportional in size (by square foot) to those for the primary dwelling unit
• Defines an “accessory structure” to mean a structure that is accessory or incidental to a dwelling on the same lot as the ADU
• Authorizes HCD to notify the local agency if HCD finds that their ADU ordinance is not in compliance with state law
• Clarifies that a local agency may identify an ADU or JADU as an adequate site to satisfy RHNA housing needs
• Permits JADUs even where a local agency has not adopted an ordinance expressly authorizing them
• Allows a permitted JADU to be constructed within the walls of the proposed or existing single-family residence and eliminates the required inclusion of an existing bedroom or an interior entry into the single-family residence
• Requires, upon application and approval, a local agency to delay enforcement against a qualifying substandard ADU for five (5) years to allow the owner to correct the violation, so long as the violation is not a health and safety issue, as determined by the enforcement agency.
New Expansion of ADU Limits Under SB 1211
SB 1211 expands ADU allowances on multifamily properties by increasing the limit on detached ADUs from 2 to up to 8, provided the number of ADUs does not exceed the existing units. This change removes barriers to construction and gives landlords more flexibility to maximize housing potential.
Can an ADU be sold?
Yes. AB 587 creates a narrow exemption to the prohibition for ADUs to be sold or conveyed separately from the primary dwelling by allowing deed-restricted sales to occur if the local agency adopts an ordinance. To qualify, the primary dwelling and the ADU are to be built by a qualified non-profit corporation whose mission is to provide units to low-income households (Gov. Code § 65852.26).
AB 670 provides that covenants, conditions, and restrictions (CC&Rs) that either effectively prohibit or unreasonably restrict the construction or use of an ADU or JADU on a lot zoned for single-family residential use are void and unenforceable (Civil Code Section 4751).6
AB 671 requires local agencies’ housing elements to include a plan that incentivizes and promotes the creation of ADUs that can offer affordable rents for very low, low-, or moderate-income households and requires HCD to develop a list of state grants and financial incentives in connection with the planning, construction, and operation of affordable ADUs.
ADU law and recent changes intend to address barriers, streamline approval, and expand potential capacity for ADUs, recognizing their unique importance in addressing California’s housing needs. The preparation, adoption, amendment, and implementation of local ADU ordinances must be carried out consistent with the Government Code, and must not unduly constrain the creation of ADUs.
Local governments adopting ADU ordinances should carefully weigh the adoption of zoning, development standards, and other provisions for impacts on the development of ADUs. In addition, ADU law is the statutory minimum requirement. Local governments may elect to go beyond this statutory minimum and further the creation of ADUs. Many local governments have embraced the importance of ADUs as an important part of their overall housing policies and have pursued innovative strategies. Check out more articles to see how each local government has adopted the ADU law.
If you're interested in seeing the ADU options for a specific address, you can find out in the CityStructure ADU report. It helps you see and understand the size and location of a possible ADU for your lot which is the very first step for any feasibility study. See what you could build, how much it may cost and what is the return on your investment. All in one ADU report.
ADUs can add value to your property. Find out how much.