CityStructure - Feasibility Study simplified
Rail Finders

Rail Finders

Standards and Criteria for Historic Resources

In San Francisco, the growing demand for off-street parking creates a difficult balance with the preservation of historic buildings. Property owners must follow strict guidelines to ensure that additions like garages do not compromise the integrity or character of these important structures.

Character-Defining Features

Below is a list of the character-defining features that, if altered, may trigger additional Planning Department review.


  • Bays
  • Decorative features
  • Front entries

Relationship to adjacent buildings and streetscape:

  • Significant trees
  • Historic fences
  • Historic pattern of development
  • Historic Landscape

Massing & Scale:

  • Height
  • Front Setbacks

Raising Structures

Generally, raising a historic resource to insert a garage opening is strongly discouraged when the act may render the building ineligible for the California or National Register. In some instances, raising a structure to insert a garage opening may be approved to avoid the removal of historic fabric as long as the integrity of the building and its original design, proportions, and relationship to adjacent buildings are not compromised.

Not sure if your property is considered historic?