How to add more units than the zoning allows or how HOME-SF helps you achieve higher density?
San Francisco’s Affordable Housing Bonus Program (AHBP) provides design guidelines for projects using the HOME-SF density bonus, helping them blend into their neighborhood while adding height or larger masses. The HOME-SF program supports affordable housing by requiring 20-30% of units to be affordable, and it offers developers benefits like priority processing, relaxed density limits, and up to two additional stories. With specific eligibility criteria, this program aims to boost housing options in areas where density controls apply, though it doesn’t apply to zoning districts without such limits.
How it Works
HOME-SF is an optional program for developers constructing mixed-income in certain areas of San Francisco. Under HOME-SF, 20 to 30 percent of the units in a new housing project must be affordable to low, middle, and moderate-income families. To provide more family-friendly housing, 40 percent of the total units in the building must be two bedrooms or larger (with an additional option of providing 50% of all bedrooms in the project in units with 2 or more bedrooms). In return, density bonuses and zoning modifications are provided, allowing project sponsors to accommodate additional affordable units.
What is a Density Bonus?
A density bonus is an increase in the overall number of housing units that a developer may build on a site in exchange for including more affordable housing units in the project. Under HOME-SF, the maximum bonus for a project is an additional two stories and relief from density controls.
What projects are eligible for the HOME-SF program?
- Must not demolish any residential units
- Will consist of new construction only and will not propose additions to existing buildings
- Must provide three or more dwelling units
- Must not demolish or significantly alter a historic resource
HOME-SF is not applicable in the RH-1 or RH-2 Zoning Districts, and is restricted in some other areas. See the application and information packet for detailed eligibility criteria. If your project does not qualify for HOME-SF, it may still qualify for the State Analyzed or State Individually Requested Density Bonus Programs.
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