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San Francisco

How to get your permits fast or the benefits of using SB-423 in San Francisco

How to get your permits fast or the benefits of using SB-423 in San Francisco

San Francisco faces a housing crisis, with property owners struggling to improve their properties or build new homes. This crisis was caused mainly by the lengthy permitting process and the high development costs. In particular, the discretionary permitting process, where decisions are made based on subjective judgments, ended up delaying or even stopping projects. SB-423 was issued to address the housing crisis. It allows property owners to go through a streamlined permitting process, called the ministerial process if they plan to build new units. This law helps speed up the development of market-rate units, increasing the availability of affordable homes and providing a solution to the state's housing shortage.

What is the permit application process for a construction project in San Francisco?

What is the permit application process for a construction project in San Francisco?

The Pre-Application is an essential part of San Francisco’s planning process, designed to inform neighbors and gather input on proposed projects. This step ensures transparency and prepares applicants for the next stages of approval.


How to build an ADU in San Francisco

How to build an ADU in San Francisco

Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), also called secondary units, in-law units, tiny homes, granny flats or cottages, are units added to existing or new residential units on a property. This secondary units are allowed on both single-family and multi-family buildings. In this article, we'll cover the procedure on getting the permit to add and ADU to existing single-family homes.



How to add more units than the zoning allows or how HOME-SF helps you achieve higher density?

How to add more units than the zoning allows or how HOME-SF helps you achieve higher density?

San Francisco’s Affordable Housing Bonus Program (AHBP) provides design guidelines for projects using the HOME-SF density bonus, helping them blend into their neighborhood while adding height or larger masses. The HOME-SF program supports affordable housing by requiring 20-30% of units to be affordable, and it offers developers benefits like priority processing, relaxed density limits, and up to two additional stories. With specific eligibility criteria, this program aims to boost housing options in areas where density controls apply, though it doesn’t apply to zoning districts without such limits.

Residential Design

What means Discretionary Review in San Francisco?

What means Discretionary Review in San Francisco?

The sin and the beauty of the San Francisco code is its discretionary decision-making. This type of decision-making allows the Planning Commission through the Planning Department to overrule its code articles case-by-case. This works great when the decision is on your side, and not so great because it brings unpredictability in the process. Here is how it works...


What means AMI and how it is calculated?

What means AMI and how it is calculated?

In a rapidly growing city like San Francisco, maintaining a balanced housing market is essential to meet the needs of residents across income levels. Imagine a developer planning to construct a new housing project. To ensure fairness, the city's "Housing Balance" policy comes into play, which measures the proportion of affordable new housing units to lower-income households compared to market-rate units.

Cost of Construction

How to have a fourplex or 4 units building on a property zoned for single-family homes in San Francisco

How to have a fourplex or 4 units building on a property zoned for single-family homes in San Francisco

Great news for San Francisco residents is that starting on November 27th, 2022, the 4 Unit Density Exception ordinance took effect. If before, you were allowed to have only 1-3 units plus ADU on lots located in residential RH Districts in San Francisco, this ordinance allows for up to 6 units.

Real Estate Development

Home Expansion

Ministerial approval or fast permitting process for projects per SB-9 in San Francisco

Ministerial approval or fast permitting process for projects per SB-9 in San Francisco

Californian Law SB-9 lists certain development standards and requirements that allow for a local government create a ministerial approval process. In the case of a project going through a Ministerial review permitting process, the City agency may only deny an application under SB-9 if, based on clear evidence, that the housing development project has an adverse impact upon health and safety or the physical environment and there is no feasible method to satisfactorily mitigate or avoid the specific adverse impact.



How to Make My ADU a Profitable Investment in San Francisco?

How to Make My ADU a Profitable Investment in San Francisco?

Investment in an ADU in San Francisco can be a profitable project, but it comes with challenges. Homeowners often find it difficult to maximize rental income, manage costs, and navigate local regulations. However, with the right strategies, it's possible to improve the financial returns of your ADU. This includes setting the right rental prices, efficiently managing both soft and hard costs, and ensuring compliance with zoning and building requirements. In this article, you'll learn practical approaches to increase the profitability of your ADU investment.

How to apply online for ADU permits in San Francisco

How to apply online for ADU permits in San Francisco

San Francisco is a city full of talent in technology and the local government is also catching up with digitizing the permit process to match the residents' expectations.

ADU Regulations

Everything You Need to Know About SB-684 Development in San Francisco

Everything You Need to Know About SB-684 Development in San Francisco

As of July 1, 2024, San Francisco City will start following a new rule, SB-684, for housing projects. This law was introduced to make it simpler to build more homes on smaller lots, speed up the approval process, and allow developers to delay some fees until construction is finished or homes are ready for occupancy. Part of a larger push to expand housing options nationwide, SB-684 aims to quickly approve projects of up to 10 homes on urban lots smaller than 5 acres.

What can you build on a real estate property under SB-9 San Francisco

What can you build on a real estate property under SB-9 San Francisco

Senate Bill 9 or SB-9 has opened multiple options for homeowners to add value to their property. Now it's up to the homeowner to decide which option works best for them. Important to remember is that you need to have a goal, either to achieve a certain profit or to create a new lifestyle for you and your family. In either case, you start by creating a Feasibility Study for each option. Here is how you can build a Feasibility Study for your SB-9 project.


How Realtors Use SB-9 to Enable Sellers to Make More Money and to get New Listings in San Francisco

How Realtors Use SB-9 to Enable Sellers to Make More Money and to get New Listings in San Francisco

SB-9 has opened new profit opportunities for San Francisco homeowners by permitting lot splits and additional residential units in single-family zones. Realtors help these homeowners navigate SB-9 requirements, assisting them in marketing and selling either new units or vacant parcels created through lot subdivision. Through SB-9, homeowners can access quick cash by selling portions of their subdivided property. This creates a win-win scenario where realtors can grow their business by listing these parcels and connecting with buyers who want to build custom homes on vacant lots.

Maher Ordinance and its impact for your property in San Francisco

Maher Ordinance and its impact for your property in San Francisco

San Francisco has an array of environmental restrictions overlays meant to preserve the health and safety of the residents. Here is what you need to know about Maher ordinance, how it started and how it impacts any construction project on your property.

Over-the-Counter Permits in San Francisco

Over-the-Counter Permits in San Francisco

Some of the alteration projects to an existing structure or new construction CAN qualify for same-day or over-the-counter (OTC) permits. Some may require plans, some don't. We've summarized for you the type of work that qualifies for an OTC permit and the process and fees for such a permit.


No permit. No worries.

No permit. No worries.

Good news! Not every home improvement in San Francisco requires a permit. Some smaller projects may not need one at all. Before assuming your new idea will come with a pile of paperwork, take a moment to check. Below, we’ve listed a few types of projects that you can get started on without needing a permit.


Limitations on Intermediate Length Rental for Residential Properties in San Francisco

Limitations on Intermediate Length Rental for Residential Properties in San Francisco

Short-term rental or Intermediate Length Rental is any leasing for less than one year. All the rentals 30 days and up, need to be reported to the Planning Department yearly. Unless is it a student housing or a hotel, no more than 1,000 short-term rental units are permitted in San Francisco.

Real Estate Investment Opportunities in San Francisco

Real Estate Investment Opportunities in San Francisco

California's evolving zoning laws are unlocking new avenues for real estate investors, and San Francisco is no exception. Recent legislative changes are reshaping how property owners can use their land, creating exciting growth opportunities. Understanding how local regulations align with state bills like SB-9, SB-684, SB-423, and ADU regulations can help investors make informed decisions and maximize returns.

What are Residential Design Guidelines?

What are Residential Design Guidelines?

The Residential Design Guidelines (Guidelines) describe the expectations regarding the character of the built environment and are intended to promote design that will protect neighborhood character, enhancing the attractiveness and quality of life in the City. These guidelines are integral to the Department's design review process for residential districts.

Residential Design

Corner Bay Windows

Corner Bay Windows

Corner bay windows in San Francisco add charm but should follow specific rules for street and property projections. These guidelines ensure the windows fit within set boundaries while maintaining a balanced design on corner lots.

Residential Design

What means RM zoning in San Francisco?

What means RM zoning in San Francisco?

In San Francisco, over 70% of the parcels are zoned for residential use. This is why the chances for your property to fall within any of these zones is quite high. RM or Residential Mixed zoned districts are areas characterized by a mixture of houses and apartment buildings, covering a range of densities and building forms according to the individual district designations. Despite the range of densities and building sizes, most structures are of a scale that respects the traditional lot patterns, open spaces and articulation of facades typical of San Francisco neighborhoods.

Real Estate Development



What are the requirements to build ADU in San Francisco?

What are the requirements to build ADU in San Francisco?

Building an ADU in San Francisco offers the opportunity to expand living space, enhance property value, and potentially increase resale value. Success hinges on a clear grasp of local regulations and a thorough financial assessment. This guide offers detailed insights into San Francisco's ADU regulations and essential financial factors, helping you plan and execute your project effectively.

ADU Regulations

The truth about Real Estate Investing in San Francisco

The truth about Real Estate Investing in San Francisco

In April, 47% of homes for sale in the US went under contract in less than a week. The squeeze is happening at various price points and in dozens of metro areas. A new report out from Zillow shows that homes in the U.S. are selling ridiculously fast, with nearly half going under contract in less than a week.

Real Estate Development


Professional tricks to get your construction permits faster

Professional tricks to get your construction permits faster

San Francisco is a great city to be in the real estate business but when it comes to getting permits to build or remodel this city becomes a nightmare whether, you’re an architect, builder, or even an experienced developer. People are complaining, for the right reason, on two issues: unclear criteria for getting a project approved and the lengthy time frame to issue permits for a project. As a comparison, for a single-family residence or a multifamily project in Seattle you could get permits within 6 months, in San Francisco it takes 2 years or more to get those permits (if no trial or historical preservation is involved in this process).


Adding Garages and Curb Cuts to residential units

Adding Garages and Curb Cuts to residential units

Garages should be designed to be inconspicuous so they do not project out from the front façade of the building; however, new garage structures in the front yard setback of steeply sloping lots or in retaining walls may be appropriate.

What means to improve a historical building in San Francisco?

What means to improve a historical building in San Francisco?

The buildings under Category A are considered a Historic Resource and they have to follow very strict design guidelines from the Secretary of the Interior's Standards every time the homeowner decides to undergo an improvement. As a homeowner of a Historic Building, you would have to take into consideration the design limitations of the facade and the interiors which adds more costs due to preservation process.


Real Estate Development

How Much Does It Cost to Convert Your Garage into a Unit or an ADU in San Francisco?

How Much Does It Cost to Convert Your Garage into a Unit or an ADU in San Francisco?

Converting a garage into a unit or an ADU in San Francisco can be a great way to add living space, but it can also be expensive and complex. The challenge lies in understanding the costs involved to make informed decisions and budget effectively. The typical costs associated with garage conversions in San Francisco include construction, permits, and design. Understanding these expenses helps you manage your budget effectively and make the most of your project.

The new way to attract more buyers in a downturn market

The new way to attract more buyers in a downturn market

In a downturn market, properties don't easily sell for more than the asking price with multiple offers. Instead, realtors need to actively reach out to potential buyers. To succeed, you must be active on social media and have your contact list prepared for communication. But what should you post to capture attention? The answer is to share unique and relevant information that makes your listings stand out. The challenge is finding this valuable information.

Home Buyers

5 Tips to get ahead start in the construction permitting process

5 Tips to get ahead start in the construction permitting process

Parallel Permit Application is the method that many seasoned architectural companies use to cut the lengthy waiting times imposed by the San Francisco Planning and Building Departments. We're sharing it with you so you can get ahead of the project deadlines. It has certain risks and it may require more work but the upside is significant. Saving months or even years of waiting could make or break any construction project.


What are neighborhood notifications and what is the process?

What are neighborhood notifications and what is the process?

Neighborhood notification is an important part of San Francisco Planning Department’s process for many discretionary permits in certain zoning districts. It ensures that nearby residents and community members are informed about potential projects that could affect their neighborhood. Understanding when this notification is necessary and how it works can help applicants navigate the permitting process more smoothly.

Project Planning

Unit definition based on San Francisco Building Code

Unit definition based on San Francisco Building Code

Every jurisdiction may define a unit, or a living compound differently based on the size and use. Here is the unit definition based on San Francisco Building Code

What means streamlined approval process for SB-9 projects in San Francisco

What means streamlined approval process for SB-9 projects in San Francisco

The Permit Streamlining Act, under California State Law State, requires the Planning Department to set clear requirements and time limits on the key phases of a project application review process including determining if an application is complete, analyzing and acting on proposed projects, and environmental review. A project submitted per SB-9, if it meets the requirements, could benefit from a Streamlined approval process.



How to build an addition to a historic house?

How to build an addition to a historic house?

Any vertical or horizontal addition to any building, regardless of historic status, must conform to the Residential Design Guidelines in San Francisco. Additions to known historic resources must also meet the Secretary of the Interior's Standards and Guidelines for the Treatment of Historic Properties and any applicable requirements outlined in Article 10 of the Planning Code.

Garage doors design and curb cuts

Garage doors design and curb cuts

The total width of the garage door should be no larger than necessary to accommodate the off-street parking space typically no wider than 10’. The total width of the curb cut should not exceed Public Works standard curb cut maximum of 10 feet.

What is SB-423 and how homeowners can benefit from SB-423 in San Francisco City?

What is SB-423 and how homeowners can benefit from SB-423 in San Francisco City?

SB-423 and SB-684 are two important laws impacting homeowners in San Francisco, each with different regulations on massing, unit size, setbacks, and more. Understanding the differences between these laws can help homeowners make informed decisions about how to best develop their properties.

How corner lots and through lots can have a second building?

How corner lots and through lots can have a second building?

Have you ever wondered how some properties in San Francisco seem to have two buildings? This is often the case with corner lots and through lots, which have frontages on both streets. This article covers the specific zoning regulations governing dual-frontage development in the RH, RTO, RTO-M, RM-1, and RM-2 Districts.

Residential Design

How Much Does it Cost to Build Out and Things to Consider When Adding More Area to Your House in San Francisco?

How Much Does it Cost to Build Out and Things to Consider When Adding More Area to Your House in San Francisco?

Expanding your home in San Francisco can be expensive due to high construction costs and strict regulations. The challenge is figuring out how much it will cost and understanding all the factors involved, from materials and labor to permits and design. To solve this, you'll need a clear breakdown of expenses and what to consider before starting the project. This will teach you about typical costs for building out, important factors like permits and professional services, and how to plan for a smooth and successful home addition.

Home Expansion

Cost of Construction

Standards and Criteria for Historic Resources

Standards and Criteria for Historic Resources

In San Francisco, the growing demand for off-street parking creates a difficult balance with the preservation of historic buildings. Property owners must follow strict guidelines to ensure that additions like garages do not compromise the integrity or character of these important structures.

Residential Design

Project Planning

What means RH or Single family zoning in San Francisco?

What means RH or Single family zoning in San Francisco?

UPDATE ! In San Francisco, over 70% of the parcels are zoned for residential use. Due to the current critical housing crises, the City have made substantial changes to what you're allowed to build in these zones. Residents are finally seeing solid efforts from the City to facilitate building more units and faster. Though a more permissive zoning regulations and a streamlined or Ministerial permitting process, avoiding discretionary review, you could get permits for 2 new units on a property within 90 days with the newly adopted SB-423. All these changes happened as recent as of January 2024. The Ordinance 230446 modified multiple restrictions in the San Francisco Municipal code. One of the significant changes is the minimum lot size in San Francisco from 2,400 sqft to 1,200 sqft for all zoning districts. Along with this change, also the minimum lot frontage is now 20 feet for ALL zoning districts.

Real Estate Development

ADU Regulations


How to afford buying a house in San Francisco?

How to afford buying a house in San Francisco?

Every Year, Mayor's Office of Housing and Community Development (MOHCD) organizes a lottery where they disabuse funds or assign priority to residents that applied to purchase or rent subsidized housing. MOHCD uses DHALIA as a digital way to make the application process faster. This is a guide on how to apply for Below Market Rate units or subsidized housing in San Francisco.

Real Estate Financing

How to legalize unwarranted residential units in San Francisco

How to legalize unwarranted residential units in San Francisco

Worried your extra unit in San Francisco might not be legal? You’re not alone, and the risks can be costly. In this article, you’ll learn exactly how to bring your space up to code, avoid hefty fines, and protect your investment, ensuring your property stays compliant with city regulations.

Project Planning


Environmental requirements that may apply to your property in San Francisco

Environmental requirements that may apply to your property in San Francisco

CEQA environmental review is only required when a property owner applies for a building permit. CEQA does not require owners to renovate or repair their properties. However, there are other environmental monitoring requirements and general environmental related conditions that may apply to your property.

All You Need to Know About Building on Properties in San Francisco City per SB-9

All You Need to Know About Building on Properties in San Francisco City per SB-9

Using SB-9 for property developments in San Francisco City presents homeowners with an excellent opportunity to secure funds, either to pay off a significant portion of their mortgage or, if they have the means to add additional units, to generate rental income or house extended family members while maintaining residence in the primary home. A thriving SB-9 project begins with comprehending eligibility criteria, the specific restrictions applicable to the property, and determining the most financially viable SB-9 option for properties within San Francisco City.

SB-9 Regulations

Which home improvement projects require permit?

Which home improvement projects require permit?

Depending on the type of work you wish to do and the zoning district of your property, your project may be approved with the permit issued over the counter on the same day you apply, or it may require a more thorough review process, including public notice and several pre-application and staff review steps.

ADU Solutions for Aging in Place in San Francisco

ADU Solutions for Aging in Place in San Francisco

Living at home in a familiar environment gives seniors a sense of comfort, independence, and stability, which is often more appealing than moving to a senior living facility. The challenge is figuring out how to provide the care they need without raising costs while also improving the home's value. This article looks at a practical solution to address these concerns.

San Francisco Housing Element 2022 Update Phase III Release

San Francisco Housing Element 2022 Update Phase III Release

The goal of the San Francisco Housing Element is to create a rezoning program to meet the requirements of San Francisco’s Regional Housing Needs Allocation, and Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing laws, to build 20,000 units by 2030.

Real Estate Development

Browse properties with Development Score™ by neighborhood  (214,500 properties in total)

Properties in Alamo Square neighborhood

Properties in Anza Vista neighborhood

Properties in Balboa Terrace neighborhood

Properties in Bayview neighborhood

Properties in Bayview Heights neighborhood

Properties in Bernal Heights neighborhood

Properties in Buena Vista Park/Ashbury Heights neighborhood

Properties in Candlestick Point neighborhood

Properties in Central Richmond neighborhood

Properties in Central Sunset neighborhood

Properties in Central Waterfront/Dogpatch neighborhood

Properties in Clarendon Heights neighborhood

Properties in Cole Valley/Parnassus Heights neighborhood

Properties in Corona Heights neighborhood

Properties in Cow Hollow neighborhood

Properties in Crocker Amazon neighborhood

Properties in Diamond Heights neighborhood

Properties in Downtown neighborhood

Properties in Downtown neighborhood

Properties in Duboce Triangle neighborhood

Properties in Eureka Valley / Dolores Heights neighborhood

Properties in Excelsior neighborhood

Properties in Financial District/Barbary Coast neighborhood

Properties in Forest Hill neighborhood

Properties in Forest Hills Extension neighborhood

Properties in Forest Knolls neighborhood

Properties in Glen Park neighborhood

Properties in Golden Gate Heights neighborhood

Properties in Golden Gate Park neighborhood

Properties in Haight Ashbury neighborhood

Properties in Hayes Valley neighborhood

Properties in Hunters Point neighborhood

Properties in Ingleside neighborhood

Properties in Ingleside Heights neighborhood

Properties in Ingleside Terrace neighborhood

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Properties in Inner Parkside neighborhood

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Properties in Lake Street neighborhood

Properties in Lakeside neighborhood

Properties in Lakeside neighborhood

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Properties in Merced Manor neighborhood

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Properties in Mission Dolores neighborhood

Properties in Mission Terrace neighborhood

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Properties in North Beach neighborhood

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Properties in Presidio Heights neighborhood

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Properties in Sherwood Forest neighborhood

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Properties in South Beach neighborhood

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Properties in Westwood Park neighborhood

Properties in Yerba Buena neighborhood

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