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Merced Heights Neighborhood, San Francisco CA

About Merced Heights Neighborhood

Merced Heights is a neighborhood in San Francisco, California with a population of 7,801. Merced Heights is in San Francisco County. Living in Merced Heights offers residents an urban suburban mix feel and most residents own their homes. In Merced Heights there are a lot of restaurants, coffee shops, and parks.

Merced Heights is a strictly residential neighborhood, perched upon a steep hillside in the southwestern section of San Francisco. It is a small residential neighborhood that sits on the hillside between Ingleside Terrace and Ingleside Heights.

History of Merced Heights Neighborhood

In the 1950s, post-World War II neighborhoods such as Ingleside Heights filled in the slopes, giving the area the name Merced Heights. At the same time, African-American families began to move to the OMI, making up a third of the neighborhood's population by the 1970s.

Demographics of Merced Heights Neighborhood

Merced Heights has a population of 31,436 people, with a median age of 33. Males account for 47.32 percent of the total, while females account for 52.68 percent. In Merced Heights, US-born citizens make up 59.34 percent of the population, while non-US-born citizens make up 26.19 percent. Furthermore, non-citizens account for 14.46 percent of the population.

Transportation in Merced Heights Neighborhood

You may get from San Francisco to Merced Heights by subway, tram, bus, taxi, or vehicle.

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Politics in Merced Heights Neighborhood

Many young professionals live in Merced Heights and residents tend to be liberal.

Lifestyle in Merced Heights Neighborhood

Merced Heights is a San Francisco, California neighborhood with a population of 7,801. Merced Heights is located in the county of San Francisco. Living in Merced Heights provides inhabitants with an urban-suburban mix, and the majority of homeowners own their houses.

Schools in Merced Heights Neighborhood

The public schools in Merced Heights are above average.

Real estate in Merced Heights Neighborhood

Living in Merced Heights offers residents an urban suburban mix feel and most residents own their homes. In Merced Heights there are a lot of restaurants, coffee shops, and parks.

NEW! What are the real estate investment opportunities in San Francisco?

City of San Francisco has committed to make it easy for homeowners and developers to build more in the city. Learn what are the investment opportunities in the articles below. Next, look up an address for its Development Score that tells you if that property has any development potential and if this is an opportunity you should not miss.

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