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Pine Lake Park Neighborhood, San Francisco CA

About Pine Lake Park Neighborhood

Pine Lake Park is one of the city’s least dense neighborhoods, with fewer than 275 homes. This neighborhood is a primarily outdoor experience, and a charmer at that.

The residential portion of this neighborhood is densely packed into its western corridor as well as across its southern border along Sloat Boulevard. Development was ignited in this area in the 1920s, but the neighborhood itself was not completed until much later.

While there are no large commercial hubs within the neighborhood’s borders, residents need only travel a few blocks over to Stonestown Galleria where everything imaginable is available from restaurants, large department stores and smaller storefronts, a movie theater, and direct access to the city’s Muni metro lines.

Really, Pine Lake Park is all about outdoor recreation. The famed Stern Grove is within its borders, known for its summer entertainment including a legendary free concert series. Pine Lake itself boasts a number of trails and green spaces for residents to enjoy.

History of Pine Lake Park Neighborhood

Following their move from Maine to San Francisco in 1847, the Greene family purchased a large property that included Stern Grove and Pine Lake. In 1887, a lawsuit forced the family to give up most of the property, allowing them to retain only the portion that today comprises the park and adjacent Sigmund Stern Recreation Grove .

Demographics of Pine Lake Park Neighborhood

Pine Lake Park is a San Francisco neighborhood. Pine Lake Park has a population of 3,042, with a gender split of 53% males and 47% females and a median age of 43.

This area is populated by 24 percent families with children, 20 percent single-female households, 22 percent single-male families, and 58 percent couples. Pine Lake Park has an average household size of 2.83 people and a family size of 3.07.

Transportation in Pine Lake Park Neighborhood

Pine Lake Park has a walkability score of 68, a bikeability score of 53, and a transit accessibility score of 55.

Politics in Pine Lake Park Neighborhood

Pine Lake Parkis a liberal neighborhood with a lot of young professionals.

Lifestyle in Pine Lake Park Neighborhood

The nearby amenities may also influence whether or not a neighborhood is a good place to live. A high walk score indicates that there are numerous places nearby such as stores, restaurants, coffee shops, schools, and more. While the scores are far from perfect, they do provide a good indication of "stuff to do" in those areas.

Schools in Pine Lake Park Neighborhood

Pine Lake Park has 92.5 percent of adults who have completed high school, which is 2.7 percent higher than the national average.

Real estate in Pine Lake Park Neighborhood

The homes in Pine Lake Park are mostly detached, single-family abodes, all of which sit on moderate-sized lots. With the utilities underground and the consistent image of neatly manicured lawns, the neighborhood projects an overall sense of cleanliness and order. Housing styles vary from classic to ranch-style, including large portions of row houses. The homes running along Crestlake Drive have the added amenity of backing directly up to either the park or Stern Grove.

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